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Permit Appliction
Kowcamp has campsites in four locations.
Campsites are open for camping from 1 June to 31 October 2022.

Click on one of the photos above to read about a location..
Kowanyama Camping Permit Application

Kowanyama campers are required to have a Kowanyama Camping Permit before they check-in. You must provide all the information below and then click on the "submit" button to activate your application. If your application is approved, you will receive your permit by email no later than two weeks before your check-in date.

You will not be allowed on
Kowanyama Camping sites without a permit.

If the information you enter into a box is incorrect, the box will turn red. Check your entry.  You also will not be able to submit the application unless all boxes are filled.

1. What is your Booking Reference Number? Please note you must have a Booking Reference Number before you apply for a permit.

2. Who is the contact person for this booking? Click in the boxes to enter the details.

3. Enter your check-in and check-out dates in the boxes below.

4. Click on a dot to choose your campsite from the list below.

5. Your are allowed 3 vehicles per campsite. List the rego number of the vehicles at your site and provide the names of the campers traveling in each vehicle.

6. This box is not mandatory and only for the use of the office.

7. To camp at Kowanyama Camping Sites, all campers must agree to the terms and conditions. Click here to read the terms and conditions. If you agree to adhere to them, click on the circle below.

8. Click on the 'Submit' button below to send your application to us.

Note: a "thanks for submitting!" note will come up if your submission is accepted. If you do not see the note, it means that there is an error on your form. The entry with the error will be highlighted in red on the form. Correct it and submit again.

Thanks for submitting!


Like more information about camping on Kowanyama Country?

Click here to access more

Information for Kowanyama Campers.

Remember: you cannot apply for a Camping Permit without a booking number.

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